Google Tag Manager

Tag Management Solutions

07 Best Tag Management Solutions You Should Consider in 2023

What is Tag Management? Tag management is the practice of using a specialized system or platform to manage and deploy various snippets of code, known as tags, onto a website or digital property. These tags are often used for tracking purposes, such as analytics, advertising, user behavior analysis, and more.  Tag management systems streamline the …

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GA4 via GTM Server Side Tracking

How to Setup GA4 via GTM Server Side Tracking Properly 2023

1. Understanding Server-Side Tracking: Setting up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) through Google Tag Manager (GTM) using server-side tracking offers enhanced data accuracy, privacy compliance, and flexibility. This method allows you to send data directly from your server to GA4, reducing reliance on client-side JavaScript tracking. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to set up GA4 …

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UTM Tracking in WooCommerce

WooCommerce UTM Tracking – Step by Step Guide

WooCommerce is a widely used e-commerce platform that allows businesses to establish and oversee their online stores. To achieve efficient monitoring of marketing campaigns and gain insights into user behavior, incorporating UTM tracking becomes imperative.  UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters are special tags appended to URLs, offering valuable data on the source, medium, and campaign …

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GTM vs Segment Involvz 1

Segment vs Google Tag Manager | What are the Differences?

Segment and Google Tag Manager (GTM) are two distinct tools utilized for handling and deploying diverse tracking codes and tags on websites. While they share similarities in their basic function, they cater to different objectives and user groups. What is Segment? Segment is a platform dedicated to customer data management, collection, and integration. Its core …

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What are The Benefits Server-Side Tracking

Server-side tagging is the method utilized by marketers and website owners to manage and gather data about website visitors and their activity. You have possibly encountered many people discussing the ways server-side tagging has become a future for analytics implementation. But you should first better understand the potential advantages of this approach before investing your …

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