
UTM Tracking in WooCommerce

WooCommerce UTM Tracking – Step by Step Guide

WooCommerce is a widely used e-commerce platform that allows businesses to establish and oversee their online stores. To achieve efficient monitoring of marketing campaigns and gain insights into user behavior, incorporating UTM tracking becomes imperative.  UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters are special tags appended to URLs, offering valuable data on the source, medium, and campaign responsible for directing traffic to your website. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of integrating UTM tracking into your WooCommerce store, enabling you to optimize marketing strategies and boost overall performance. Achieving this goal involves two primary components: Capturing UTM Parameters  Sending UTM tags within WooCommerce orders. Capturing UTM parameters  Capturing UTM parameters involves employing different approaches, such as using JavaScript code snippets on your website or leveraging tools like Google Tag Manager (GTM). GTM offers a convenient solution for capturing UTM parameters, particularly when you need to apply the same method across multiple websites without the ability to directly edit their code. By creating user-defined variables in GTM, you can efficiently gather and analyze UTM data, gaining valuable insights into your marketing efforts and obtaining a clearer understanding of your website traffic sources. GTM Variables To capture the UTM parameters effectively, we must set up specific user-defined variables in GTM. These variables should have the following exact names as provided. In cases where UTM parameters are not present, we’ll resort to utilizing the referrer, but only if it’s available and from an external website.  The custom HTML tag will rely on these variables to function correctly, so it’s essential to maintain the specified names for seamless implementation. The following user-defined variables in Google Tag Manager serve specific purposes: “url – utm_source”: Capture the value of a utm_source parameter. “url – utm_medium”: Capture the value of a utm_medium parameter. “url – utm_campaign”: Capture the value of a utm_campaign parameter. “url – hostname”: Returns the website’s hostname and is employed to prevent sending the referrer information in cases of internal traffic(users navigating within your website).  “referrer – full”: Acts as a source when not even a single UTM parameter is available. Create a Custom HTML tag that Captures UTM Parameters. To track different marketing campaigns, create a unique HTML Tag with the UTM parameters.  We should develop a custom HTML tag that is responsible for capturing UTM parameters or a referrer (in case no UTM tags are present). Once captured, the data will be stored in the sessionStorage. Below, you’ll find the code snippet for implementation. <script>var source = sessionStorage.getItem(‘source’);if ({{url – utm_source}}) {source = {{url – utm_source}} + ‘ / ‘ + {{url – utm_medium}} + ‘ / ‘ + {{url – utm_campaign}};sessionStorage.setItem(‘source’, source);}else if ((!source) || (source == ‘none’)) { if (({{referrer – full}}) && (!{{referrer – full}}.includes(‘{{url – hostname}}’))) {source = {{referrer – full}} + ‘ / referral’;sessionStorage.setItem(‘source’, source);} else {source = ‘none’;sessionStorage.setItem(‘source’, source);}}</script> For example, “cHTML – source to sessionStorage” is a customized tag but feel free to modify it as needed. Here’s how it should appear: The purpose of this GTM (Google Tag Manager) tag is to capture the UTM parameters and store them in the sessionStorage.  Related : Segment VS Google Tag Manager If there are no UTM tags and no referrer, set the source as none. I set this default value to be able to tell apart cases when the code does not run correctly for some reason, in which case we expect the source to be empty (or undefined). The logic behind it is structured as follows: If UTM parameters are present, we will store the source using the values of utm_source/utm_medium/utm_campaign In the absence of UTM tags, and if a referrer is present there (indicating the visitor visits from the external website), we will save the source as “ / referral”. If both UTM tags and referrer are not present, we will set source as “none.” This default value helps distinguish cases where the code doesn’t execute correctly, as we anticipate that the source will either be empty or undefined in such cases. Sending UTM Tags within WooCommerce Orders. With the UTM tags now saved in the session storage, the next step is to transfer this information to WooCommerce orders by creating a custom field. To achieve this, you’ll need to add a hidden field on the checkout page and populate it with the value of the UTM tags. By implementing this method, the UTM data will be captured in a hidden field during the customer checkout process. Once the order is completed, this information will be saved as a custom field linked to the specific order. As a result, you will be able to preserve the UTM details for each order, facilitating tracking and analysis purposes. Establish the Hidden field Within the WooCommerce Checkout Page For the purpose of adding a hidden field in a WooCommerce checkout page, use a code snippet instead of relying on plugins, as they might have been excessive for specific requirements. To implement the hidden field, simply insert the provided code snippet into your website. // Add a hidden field on the checkout pageadd_action(‘woocommerce_after_order_notes’, ‘checkout_source_field’);function checkout_source_field( $checkout ) {woocommerce_form_field( ‘my_source_field’, array( ‘type’ => ‘text’,’required’=> false,’placeholder’ => __(‘utm_source’),), $checkout->get_value( ‘my_source_field’ ));}// Update the order meta with field valueadd_action(‘woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta’, ‘checkout_source_field_update_order_meta’);function checkout_source_field_update_order_meta( $order_id ) {if ($_POST[‘my_source_field’]) update_post_meta( $order_id, ‘Source’, esc_attr($_POST[‘my_source_field’]));} If you choose to utilize the Code Snippets plugin, the process would appear like this: This will enable you to create a hidden field on the WooCommerce checkout page. Retrieve UTM Tags from WooCommerce Checkout field To proceed with GTM, you must create the tag that exclusively fires at the checkout page. This tag will be responsible for obtaining the UTM parameter values through session storage and subsequently setting them in a source field within the WooCommerce checkout page. Assuming your WordPress website’s checkout page web address is similar to this: “,” the trigger provided below should work without any adjustments. However, if the URL structure differs, you might need to modify the trigger accordingly. Create the DOM Ready trigger

GTM vs Segment Involvz 1

Segment vs Google Tag Manager | What are the Differences?

Segment and Google Tag Manager (GTM) are two distinct tools utilized for handling and deploying diverse tracking codes and tags on websites. While they share similarities in their basic function, they cater to different objectives and user groups. What is Segment? Segment is a platform dedicated to customer data management, collection, and integration. Its core purpose is to centralize customer data from multiple sources and subsequently direct it to diverse destinations, such as analytics platforms, marketing automation tools, data warehouses, and third-party services. Key Features of Segment include: Data Collection: Segment facilitates data collection through SDKs and APIs, enabling you to gather information from your website, mobile apps, and other origins. Data Integration: It streamlines data integration by directing it to multiple destinations at once, simplifying the process of connecting various tools and services without requiring separate tracking codes for each. Data Management: Segment assists in data management tasks like data cleaning, enrichment, and transformation, ensuring that the data is prepared appropriately before reaching its designated endpoint. What is Google Tag Manager (GTM)? Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tag management solution developed by Google. Its primary objective is to simplify the process of implementing and managing different tracking codes (tags) on a website, removing the necessity for manual code adjustments. GTM is widely favored by marketers, analysts, and website owners who want a user-friendly method to incorporate tracking codes for analytics, advertising, and other crucial functionalities. Key features of Google Tag Manager include: Tag Deployment: GTM offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to implement tracking codes (tags) on your website without any coding expertise required. Version Control: You can effortlessly manage multiple tag versions with GTM, simplifying updates and rollbacks whenever necessary. Built-in Tags: GTM comes with a collection of pre-built tags for various services, including Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Pixel, and more, ensuring convenient integration of these essential functionalities into your website. Read also: Data Filters In Google Analytics 4 Segment Vs. GTM Key Strength Segment effortlessly integrates intricate tools, stores comprehensive clickstream data, and facilitates data export to SQL databases. Whereas, GTM facilitates JavaScript loading on webpages and inserts advertising pixels based on rule configurations. Data Management Segment excels at storing clickstream data in a consolidated manner, allowing for the replay of historical data in new tools. It offers seamless data export to SQL databases and internal systems. In contrast, Google Tag Manager does not retain data and is incapable of loading historical data into new tools or performing translations for loading historical data into SQL databases. User Interface Segment offers a sleek and user-friendly experience, automatically translating data for new tools whenever a destination is enabled. However, Google Tag Manager requires manual configuration of rules and settings for every pixel to fire. But, Segment’s setup can be more complex, often demanding technical expertise, particularly when dealing with data transformation and routing. In contrast, GTM provides a user-friendly experience and can be easily managed by non-technical users. Device Compatibility: Segment supports tracking user events across mobile, web, and server environments. Its server libraries include Python, Ruby, Node, Java, PHP, Clojure, Rust, .NET, Go, and Xamarin. On the other hand, Tag Manager primarily operates on the web and has limited functionality on mobile devices. It does not offer support for server destinations. Use Case: Segment is well-suited for businesses requiring the collection and management of customer data from diverse sources, with the capability to route it to multiple destinations. It serves as a robust tool for data integration and analytics. Conversely, Google Tag Manager is specifically designed for the management of tracking codes, making it an ideal choice for website owners seeking a straightforward method to implement and organize tags. Related: Self Referral Google Analytics 4 WooCommerce UTM Tracking Should I integrate GTM into Segment, or Segment into GTM? Both options are possible. You have the flexibility to install the GTM into Segment or integrate Segment into the GTM. In certain cases, businesses may choose to utilize both tools together. For instance, they can employ Segment to collect and manage customer data from diverse sources, and then utilize Google Tag Manager to deploy specific tags on the website for tracking and analytics functionalities. GTM in Segment Segment recommends the installation of GTM within its framework. This integration allows Segment to transmit the similar event data into different data sources within their respective formats. For instance, when a user clicks on the ‘add to cart’ button, Segment can seamlessly send this data to various analytics platforms such as Google Analytics, Kissmetric, Piwik, Adobe Analytics, and more. In the context of Segment, GTM functions as just another data source that contributes to its comprehensive data management capabilities. Segment in GTM For Google Tag Manager (GTM), Segment is treated as another tag. Installing Segment via GTM may lead to difficulties in routing and translating data in a format that GTM and other sources of data can comprehend. In some cases, this integration might not work at all. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid installing Segments via GTM to ensure smooth and efficient data handling without potential compatibility issues. Installing the GTM into Follow the easy steps outlined below: Step 1:  Sign up for the account at However, you can start with the free developer account to explore the features and functionality of Segment. Step 2:Choose your initial data source. For now,  select ‘Website’ as the data source. Step 3:Put your website name and URL. Copy the generated code snippet and paste a Segment snippet into a head section on each page of your website: Step 4:Verify the record of Events on Segment by clicking on a ‘Debugger’ link at the top navigation. If a ‘segment’ is successfully recording the events, you will be able to view  event data, confirming that Segment is installed correctly in your website. Step 5:Access your Google Tag Manager account and take note of a container ID. Step 6:Return to Segment account and click upon ‘Destination’  link below the source Link.

Set Up Google Analytics 4 For Shopify Involvz

How To Set Up Google Analytics 4 For Shopify

Exciting news! You have the opportunity to enhance the tracking and reporting capabilities of your Shopify ecommerce website by setting up Google Analytics 4 (GA4). With the standard Universal Analytics properties ceasing data processing after July 1, 2023, it becomes even more vital to make the transition to GA4 as soon as possible. GA4 represents Google’s latest generation of Analytics, enabling you to capture event-based data from both websites and applications simultaneously. By implementing GA4 correctly on your Shopify store, you’ll access invaluable insights into customer behavior, elevate your e-commerce tracking capabilities, and unlock a host of powerful reporting features. How to Properly Set Up GA4 on Shopify Store? Many businesses find Google Channels App highly useful for integrating GA4 into the Shopify Store. Once you connect the GA4 property using this app, a tracking process seamlessly applies to your store. As a result, your GA4 property automatically starts tracking ecommerce events without requiring any additional setup. Additionally, the app takes care of automatically setting the e-commerce data layers for the store you own. When a Google Channels App is used for Shopify, it automatically monitors and tracks the given ecommerce events: add_to_cart add_payment_info purchase begin_checkout view_item Nevertheless, When a Google Channels App is used for Shopify, it does not automatically monitors and tracks the given ecommerce events: remove_from_cart  select_item add_shipping_info view_cart view_item_list select_promotion view_promotion Given the limitations of the Google Channels App, it is not sufficient for achieving a complete Google Analytics 4 tracking setup. To ensure a comprehensive solution, it is advisable to use GTM independently on the Shopify stores. Through Google Tag Manager, you have the flexibility to set up a GA4 configuration tag and include all the necessary ecommerce events and further tags.  Businesses typically create and utilize their ecommerce data layers. However, those without Shopify Plus may face a challenge since they cannot add the Google Tag Manager container code in the checkout pages. As a result, they are compelled to resort to using GTM in conjunction with the Google Channels App as an alternative solution. The Google Channels App ensures tracking throughout the entire checkout process seamlessly. However, it is crucial to make a modification in the Google Analytics 4 configuration tag within GTM to prevent duplicate tracking of page views on the Shopify store. Since the Google Channels App already fires the pageview event, failing to adjust the tag could lead to redundant data being recorded. Additionally, it’s essential to identify and remove any conflicting tags to avoid tracking the same ecommerce event twice. For the ecommerce events that cannot be tracked through a Google Channels App, GTM serves as a viable alternative to track them effectively. Follow the setup process outlined below to seamlessly integrate GA4 with your Shopify store. Don’t miss out on the chance to leverage GA4’s advanced capabilities and secure the future of data processing for your e-commerce business. Embrace GA4 today and propel your online store to new heights of success! How to Set Up Google Tag Manager (GTM) on Shopify? Section 1: Place the customer details script and GTM container code in the “<head>” section of a theme.liquid file. Step 1: If you don’t already have a Google Tag Manager account, create a new one. If you already have an existing GTM account, please proceed by logging in. Step 2: Access “Admin” link, & from there, select “Install Google Tag Manager” option. Step 3: Copy the initial script of the Google Tag Manager container code, which contains instructions for pasting the code in the “<head>” section. Step 4: Access your Shopify store by logging into your account. Step 5: On the left side of the navigation panel, select “Themes” under the “Online Store” section. Step 6: Tap upon the three dots icon and then choose “Edit Code.” Step 7:  Select “theme.liquid” under the “Layout” section.   Step 8:  Then, paste the GTM container code that you copied as high as possible within the “<head>” section of the page. Click on the “Save” button located in the top right-hand corner of the theme.liquid page. Section 2: Place the customer details script and GTM container code in the “<head>” section of a checkout.liquid file. Step 9 (elective/optional): For Shopify Plus users, remember to add a Google Tag Manager container code in the the checkout.liquid file as well. Step 10:  Select the ‘Exit’ button located at the upper left-hand corner. Step 11: Navigate down and select ‘Settings.’ Step 12:  On the navigation panel located on the left side, select ‘Checkout.’ Step 13: Navigate down and look for  the section “Order Status Page” Step 14: Insert the GTM container code in the “Additional Script” section and then proceed to click on the “Save” button. Step 15 (elective/ optional): For Shopify users with a standard version, access the GA4 property settings and find the “List Unwanted Referrals” option. Add both “” and custom domain (only if it’s applicable) to “List Unwanted referrals.” By including these domains, it is ensured that checkout pages are not counted as self-referrals within the Google Analytics 4 reports. Step 16: Launch Google Chrome browser and  from the provided link proceed to install Google Tag Assistant extension. Step 17:  Go to the homepage of your Shopify store, & then locate the ‘Google Tag Assistant’ button located on top right side, beside the browser’s address bar. Click on the button. In the section of ‘Result of Tag Analysis’, you should find a ‘Google Tag Manager’ tag which is listed with a blue or green icon next to it. This indicates that GTM has been successfully installed in your Shopify store. Please take note that the icons representing different colors (red, yellow, green, and blue) next to the identified tags each hold specific meanings.  Red or yellow shows that something is not right with GTM installation. How to Install the Google Channels App on your Shopify Store? Please follow the below outlined steps: Step 1: Return to your Shopify store and select ‘Apps and Sales Channel’ from the ‘Settings’

List Unwanted referrals

Self Referral Google Analytics 4 – Referral Exclusion GA4

Referral traffic in GA4 refers to a session that originates when the web browser of the user passes a referrer, indicating that the session began from an external source such as a website, social networking platform, or directory sites. The latest update of Google Analytics, known as GA4, gives you information on the performance and the way visitor’s behave on your website. If a Google Analytics 4 session begins without the web browser of the user passing a referrer, it is classified as a ‘direct traffic’ in the reporting. Technically, any traffic that comes from another website and goes to yours is referral traffic (as far as the web browser of the user passes along the referrer). However, GA4 does not classify the majority of PPC/CPM advertising (such as Google Ads) and search engine traffic as the referral traffic. In GA4, How Do You See Referral Traffic? By doing the actions listed below, you are able to see referral traffic within the GA4: Step 1:  Click on “Reports” in your left-hand navigation after opening your GA4(Google Analytics 4) reporting view: Step 2:  Access the “Traffic acquisition” report under “Acquisition”: Step 3: Continue scrolling the report down until you reach the search bar: Step-4: In the search field, type “referral,” and then click the enter button. You ought to now see the screen shown below: Step-5: Select “Session default channel grouping” from the drop-down menu: Step-6: In the drop-down option, select “Session Source/medium”: Now, GA4 should allow you to view all referral traffic. Read Also: Understanding Event Parameter in Google Analytics 4 What Does GA4’s ‘List Unwanted Referral’ mean? In Google Analytics 4, this term refers to a function that enables users to make a list of undesired referral sources. Users can identify these sources and have them excluded from referral traffic data for their website, allowing for a more accurate analysis of valid referral sources and a reduction in spam or irrelevant traffic. Referrals Exclusion List Versus List Unwanted Referrals In GA3, the “referrals exclusion list” function operates similarly to the “List unwanted referrals” function. A referral exclusion list is used to compile a set of domains who’s traffic might be recorded as a direct traffic rather than a referral traffic. A referral traffic via specific domains (such as your personal domain or even a method of payment like “PayPal”) won’t appear in the GA4 analytics in this way. ‘List unwanted referrals’ is the name given to a ‘referral exclusion list’ in the context of GA4. It should be noted that when a domain is added to a “list unwanted referrals,” GA4 analyzes all events from that domain and includes the “ignore_referrer” parameter along with the value “true” for each event that satisfies the criteria (ignore_referrer=true). Automatic Self-Referral Detection in GA4 As far as all of the following requirements are fulfilled, Google Analytics 4 can automatically identify and resolve self-referral problems (where visitors from your personal domain show up as a referral traffic).  The domain you are using appears in the referrer, and a global site tag can be found in a current URL.  A “_gl” parameter in a current URL and the referrer are both outcomes of a cross-domain tracking configuration among the domains that you own. It should be noted that when a linker parameter “_gl” is used to transmit analytics cookies across one domain onto another when cross-domain tracking is enabled. If a user visits a page on your website that lacks a global site tag, the automatic self-referral detection function in GA4 won’t be capable of resolving the self-referral problems. Therefore, adding a domain name into the list of unwanted referrals is the most effective practice: How to Set Up GA4’s List Unwanted Referrals List? The steps are as follows: Step 1: Click ‘Admin’ after opening the GA4 view: Step 2: In its ‘Property’ column, select ‘Data Streams’: Step 3: Select the website’s Data Stream name in which you intend to set a list unwanted referrals by clicking on it. Step 4: Completely scroll down and click the link labeled “Configure tag settings” Step 5: Select “Show all” from the menu: Step 6: Navigate down and click the “List unwanted referrals” link. An overlay similar to the one shown below should now appear: Step 7: In a “Domain” text box, add any domain name that you intend to add, and then click “Save”: Step 8: Click the “List unwanted referrals” link once more to add other domains into the list. Step 9: Select the listing that appears. The ‘Add Condition’ icon should be now seen: Step 10: Select the “Add condition” icon, add the desired domain name, and then select a “Save” button: It should be noted that the OR logic is used to analyze conditions. Congratulations! The unwanted domain(s) have been successfully added to your referral list. From this point forward, traffic from other domains won’t show up as referral traffic. It should be noted that list unwanted referrals is not applicable to previous referrals. Therefore, the domain that you put to a list unwanted referrals can still show up in the GA4 reports for previous data. Related: Data Filters In Google Analytics 4 How often should I implement “List unwanted referrals”? You may not would like to label the traffic in Google Analytics 4 as a referral traffic in a number of circumstances: Self-referral traffic Your domain should be added to a “List unwanted referrals” if you intened to dodge self-referral problems (where the domain you own appears as the referral traffic): Payment Gateway  If your website requires users to be redirected to a third-party website, such as PayPal, to complete a purchase and then return to your site, the traffic from the payment gateway (e.g., would be categorized as referral traffic. However, to ensure consistent measurement across your entire domain, it is desirable not to classify traffic from PayPal as referral traffic. To maintain accurate reporting and exclude irrelevant referral traffic, it is recommended to add PayPal traffic to the “List

GA4 events parameters

Understanding Event Parameter in Google Analytics 4

In GA4 (Google Analytics 4), event parameters refer to the additional information or data associated with an event. They provide context and details about the event being tracked. Overview of Event Parameters  In GA4, event parameters can be categorized into three types. Custom Parameters  GTM allows you to send additional parameters alongside an event manually, known as Custom Parameters. Custom Parameters are of two types. Number Parameters In GA4, when dealing with number values for parameters, it is important to note the appropriate method of registering them.  While the number parameters can be registered as the custom metrics within the Google Analytics 4 user interface, it is not recommended to register these as the custom dimensions. In GA4 reports, if you intend to utilize number parameters, it is advisable to register these parameters as the custom metrics through the Google Analytics 4 user interface. This approach ensures that the data is correctly interpreted and allows for accurate analysis and reporting. While GA3 traditionally utilizes the specific “category-action-value-label” format for event parameters like Event Category, Event Value, Event Label, and Event Action, these specific parameters are not used in the same way in GA4.  In GA4, when dealing with number values for parameters, it is important to note the appropriate method of registering them.  While the number parameters can be registered as the custom metrics within the Google Analytics 4 user interface, it is not recommended to register these as the custom dimensions. In GA4 reports, if you intend to utilize number parameters, it is advisable to register these parameters as the custom metrics through the Google Analytics 4 user interface. This approach ensures that the data is correctly interpreted and allows for accurate analysis and reporting. While GA3 traditionally utilizes the specific “category-action-value-label” format for event parameters like Event Category, Event Value, Event Label, and Event Action, these specific parameters are not used in the same way in GA4.  Automatically Collected Parameters Automatically collected parameters in GA4 refer to data points that are gathered automatically without requiring any additional configuration, such as device information, geographic location, session duration, and traffic source. By default, GA4 automatically records certain parameters with each event, such as: How are Automatically Collected Parameters Displayed in the GA4 Reports? The steps are listed below. Step 1: Go to the Google Analytics 4 reporting view. Step 2: Under “Engagement,” tap on “Events.” Step 3: After you scroll down, click on the name of an event. Select a ‘page_view‘ event. The comprehensive report for a “page_view” event should now appear. Step 4: On your right side, select ” PARAMETERS NAME” from the drop-down menu. Step 5: You are able to view every single automatically collected parameter as you scroll through the list of drop-downs. User Properties (aka User Dimensions) They are the customizable attributes that can be associated with individual users in Google Analytics. They provide additional information and segmentation options for analyzing user behavior and demographics. There are 2 different types of the user Properties. Predefined User Properties In GA4 Analytics, these refer to pre-set characteristics or attributes associated with user behavior, such as age, gender, location, and device type. These user properties are actually automatically collected. To collect these user properties, you won’t require to add the tag or write special code. Additionally, you can utilize them in the report without having to register these with the Google Analytics 4 user interface. These properties include  Custom User Properties Custom user properties are user attributes that you define in Google Analytics. They allow you to collect and analyze specific information about your users, and are needed to register in the Google Analytics 4 user interface prior to using them in the reports. You are able to create around twenty-five user properties in a single GA4 property.  Best Way to Name Custom Parameters and Events When naming custom events and parameters in analytics, it’s best to use clear, descriptive, and consistent names that reflect the specific action or data being tracked for accurate analysis and reporting. Use the lower case for the parameter/event names and use underscore to separate them if the name has 2 or more words. For Instance, The names of the following few events are restricted and are not allowed to be used for custom events. The names of a few parameters are restricted and are not allowed to be used for custom parameters. That is given below; The name of your parameters cannot have the following as their initials. Best Way to Name User Properties The names of the following few user properties are restricted and are not allowed to be used for custom user properties. The name of the user properties cannot have the following as their initials. Best Way to Send The Event and a Parameter to Google Analytics 4 Let us track button clicks as the event and pass on this specific custom event into the GA4 through GTM.  Let us also send the button’s caption with an event as additional data through parameters. You will gain a better understanding of events &  parameters after practicing this task.  Measurements Protocol & Event Parameters  The Measurement Protocol is a set of rules and guidelines for sending data to Google Analytics. Event parameters are key-value pairs that provide additional context and details about the events being tracked, such as event category, action, label, and value. You can significantly benefit from an understanding of measurement techniques by having an understanding of event parameters. Read Our Latest Posts:


What are The Benefits Server-Side Tracking

Server-side tagging is the method utilized by marketers and website owners to manage and gather data about website visitors and their activity. You have possibly encountered many people discussing the ways server-side tagging has become a future for analytics implementation. But you should first better understand the potential advantages of this approach before investing your resources and time into it. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of server-side tagging in detail. Benefits of Server-Side Tagging Server-side tagging has several advantages, such as regaining control over the data as well as what is shared with third-party marketers, improving the collection of data so that your ad campaigns are better optimized, etc. Reduced Page Load Time One of the significant advantages of server-side tagging is improved website performance and reduced page load time. When a website loads, it must download and go through plenty of resources. Numerous trials have shown that adding JavaScript snippets to your site for data analysis or marketing objectives will dramatically slow it down and negatively impact the user’s experience. Your site will still load slowly even though the script has been loaded asynchronously, which is pretty much the norm these days. Imagine having just a few unique scripts on your website rather than loading tons of them. These scripts would send information to the server-side Google Tag Manager container, which would then modify it following your settings and send it on to other platforms and tools that you are employing. Server-side tagging minimizes the total number of tags loaded by shifting the task of gathering data from the client’s browser to servers. This optimization leads to faster loading speeds and enhanced web performance, resulting in higher conversion rates and better user engagement. Reduced Effect of Ad Blockers Ad blockers are installed on the browsers of more than one-third of internet users worldwide. It is the main reason for interruptions in data gathering, which affects behavior tracking as well. As a result, you can be overlooking an important amount of online traffic data, which prevents you from making your decisions on complete and correct information. Ad blockers are programmed to block requests to subdomains linked to tracking platforms, which can affect the accuracy of web analytics. However, by utilizing server-side tagging in your website’s subdomain, you can bypass detection by ad blockers. This allows you to forward tracking data directly from the server to your chosen analytics tool, resulting in more precise web analytics. Reduced data Leakage and Privacy Protection Server-side tagging grants you the power to exercise control and make decisions about the data transmitted to vendors. With server-side tagging, you gain more control over the information shared with third-party vendors. By implementing server-side tagging, you can selectively anonymize or conceal certain data elements, thereby preventing the disclosure of personally identifiable information to vendors. This approach serves to protect user privacy and ensures compliance with data protection regulations. Moreover, server-side tagging provides you with the ability to filter and personalize the data transmitted to vendors according to your specific preferences. You have the flexibility to exclude sensitive data or include supplementary data points, allowing you to customize the information sent to the analytics tool or tracking platform to align with your requirements. Through server-side tagging, you gain greater control over the data shared with vendors, ensuring that only essential and pertinent information is exchanged while upholding user privacy and complying with data protection standards. Read also: Data Filters In Google Analytics 4 Increased Cookie Shelf Life The Apple Safari web browser has a set of privacy-protecting capabilities called Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), however, it also applies to other iOS browsers. When a first-party cookie, which is limited to being accessed solely on your website, is stored in the visitor’s browser through JavaScript, it typically has a lifespan of 7 days (although in a few cases, it may expire within 24 hours). This expiration rule applies even if the JavaScript code is totally custom, developed in-house, and unrelated to any third-party vendors. The cookie’s duration of 7 days remains unless the visitor continues to revisit your site, leading to the cookie being updated and its expiration extended accordingly. One way to overcome this restriction is by saving the cookie on the server side. This means that instead of storing the cookie directly in the visitor’s browser, it is stored on the server that is accessed through your domain. By doing this, you have the flexibility to set the expiration date of the cookie to any duration you choose, such as two years. Drawbacks of Server-side Tagging Server-side tagging, while offering certain advantages, also has some drawbacks. Here are a few potential drawbacks of server-side tagging. Paid Solution While the Google Tag Manager server-side container itself is free, there are costs associated with hosting it on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). When setting up and testing the server-side container in a development or testing environment, you typically won’t incur any expenses. However, if you intend to use it on a live website with significant traffic, you’ll need to allocate resources on GCP, which may come with associated costs.  To clarify, the expense is not directly related to a premium Google Tag Manager subscription but rather the need to host the server-side container infrastructure. This hosting cost is incurred because the server-side container relies on the Google Cloud Platform for its operation. Therefore, when deploying the GTM server-side container in a production environment, you should consider the potential expenses involved in hosting it on GCP. In a production configuration of the GTM server-side container, it is advisable to have a minimum of three servers running on the Google Cloud Platform. Every server is the App Engine instance in the Flexible environment, equipped with 1 vCPU, 10 Gigabyte disk space, and 0.5 Gigabyte memory. The cost per server is around $40 per month (USD). Therefore, to ensure redundancy and minimize the risk of loss of data during the server outage, you should budget at least $120 per

Data Filters In Google Analytics 4

Data Filters In Google Analytics 4

GA4 is the future of measuring and understanding customers across websites and apps. It gathers data from the website and also the app to understand the customers’ journey better. GA4 includes privacy controls like cookieless measurement, behavioral modeling, and conversion modeling to provide intuitive and detailed control over what type of personal data is gathered for you and your users. Data is the key and instead of using session-based data, GA4 utilizes event-based data. GA4 is quite minimalistic and clear. It offers many features and data filters are one of them. This article is all about data filters and how these filters can be helpful to know your customers well. Data Filters in Google Analytics 4 Through a setting called Data Filters, GA4 allows you to include or exclude specific event data. These data filters have no impact on the historical data. The moment you apply the data filter, the impact is permanent on the data which you can’t reverse. In case, you like to hide data from specific reports without filtering the data out permanently, you can use report filters. As can be seen from the screenshot given below, you can configure the data filter at the property level. Up to 10 data filters can be created in 1 GA4 property. For testing your data filters, a test view can be created and used in Universal Analytics or GA3. But on the other hand, the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property offers only one reporting view. That’s why another GA4 test property can be created and used to test data filters before using them to live GA4 property. Read also: How to Use Google Analytics for Marketing Types Of Data Filters Google Analytics 4 supports the following 2 types of data filters. Developer traffic: It filters out activity from the developers that use the debug mode. Internal traffic: It filters out the users with a single IP address or a range of IP addresses. Developer Traffic Data Filter In GA4 Developer traffic comes from the frequent visits of the website/app developer. It includes traffic from the website developer who is responsible for developing, managing, and fixing tracking on the web or app. The developer traffic is useless as the developers are not your target audience. Here you can get help from the developer traffic data filter in GA4. This data filter helps to exclude or remove data from the development and testing activities of your website developer so that it doesn’t skew your analytic data. This way, you can only get the data from your actual website/app visitors and obtain a more precise picture of how visitors are using your site.  For example, if your developer is making or testing changes to the website then the traffic generated by his activities shows up in your analytics. Here the “Developer Traffic” data filter can help you exclude that traffic data so you can get the data from actual visitors. This developer traffic will no longer show up in the real-time reporting. It filters data from all the reports of GA4  but not from the DebugView report. Note: While using the GA4 test property, the developer traffic data filter is not required. Related: Click Here if You Want to learn more About Conversion Tracking? Set up Developer Traffic Data Filter In order to set up the developer traffic filter, Open GA4 and then go to the Admin Page.  Go to Data Settings and click Data Filters. Here Select the data stream you want to set up a filter for. Create a new filter by selecting “Developer Traffic filter” You should name the filter, such as, “Exclude Developers From GA4 Data” in the “Filter Name” field. Then select “Exclude” as the filter operation and choose the filter state.  For testing your filter, select the “testing” option. Internal Traffic Data Filter in GA4 You can easily filter out internal users’ activities from the data using a single IP address or a range of IP addresses and avoid them from appearing in reports. You can just exclude the website’s internal traffic but not from the app. Read also: How to set up Shopify GA conversion tracking? Set up Internal Traffic Data Filter 1: Define the IP address of you and your team. 2: For detecting the IP address of you and your team as internal traffic, you need to create a GA4 rule and for that, you need to log in to your GA4 property. Go to the Admin section and click on the particular Data Stream to check the details. Go to “Configure tag settings” and click on “Show all”. Then select “Define Internal Traffic”. Click on “Create” and set up the rule. Name the rule such as GA4 Internal Traffic. “traffic_type_value” should equal “internal”.  Select the match type. For example, “IP address equals” and add your IP address from the first step to the “value” field. Then click on “Create”. 3: Block your internal traffic by creating a GA4 filter. Go to GA4  Admin → Data Settings → Data Filters Click on the “Create Filter”, select “Internal Traffic” and name the filter, for example, GA4 Internal Traffic Filter. “Filter Operation “ equals “Exclude” The parameter name “traffic_type” equals “internal”. For testing purposes, choose the filter state “Testing”. For making it live, choose “Active”. Google will provide instructions on how to test the filter. Types Of Filter Modes In GA4 Both GA4 data filters have one of the three modes or states that are given below: Testing This state is used to test a filter before making it live. In testing state, a data filter is assessed by the GA4 without making any permanent modifications to analytics data. Active For making the data filter live, an active state is used. When the data filter is active, it makes permanent changes in the analytics data. Inactive This option is used to disable the data filter. When the data filter is inactive, GA4 doesn’t evaluate it and makes no permanent changes in the analytics data.

GAds vs All Tracking

Google Ads Conversion Tracking Vs All Tracking

Google Ads Conversion Tracking Vs All Tracking In today’s era, the tech field has surpassed the sky. Whether you want to run a business or purchase something, you’ll have technology at your fingertips. Likewise, hundreds of free and paid tools are at your hand when it comes to monitoring a website. Google Ads conversions have a separate hype in assessing the transformation of your site. Recently a controversy came forward that All Tracking conversion is better than the Google Ads conversion tracking. If you’re running a business through a website, you must want a comparison between Google Ads Conversions and All Conversions. This write-up provides a detailed review of both Google Ads Conversions and All Conversion. So, let’s get straight into it without wasting a single moment. What Do You Know About Google Ads Conversions Tracking? When we talk about Google Ads Conversion tracking, the initial element is it’s a free tool. The Google Ads Conversions let you know about people’s interactions with your website. It also allows you to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your campaign. With Google Ads Conversion Tracking, you can get the following terms. Ads Campaign Performance Email Sign-ups Downloads Key Actions  Sales  Contact Form  Phone Number Calls And many more depending upon your business requirements. Related: If you Need Server-Side Tag Manager to Take Privacy Seriously Book Call Today for Consultation What Do You Know About All Conversion Tracking? Many tech gurus have acknowledged that all conversion tracking is the best partner for your website. With all conversion tracking, you’ll get the complete information about conversions on your website. All conversion tracking will provide you with comprehensive conversion information rather than ads campaigns’ performance. Here is the information you can inquire about with your website’s conversions. Conversion Actions  Store Visits  Cross-Device Conversions  Phone Calls  Users Interaction  Convincingness of Ads And all the essential data you cannot get from Google Ads Conversion Tracking. Visit: E-commerce Google Analytics Consulting  The Major Differences Between Google Ads Conversion Tracking & All Tracking You are familiar with both tools, Google Ads tracking, and all conversion tracking. Now, it’s time to see what makes Google Ads conversion tracking different from All conversion tracking. Here are a few common differences between both tools. 1- Conversions The most initial discrepancy between both tools is the calculation of conversion. When you use the Google Ads conversion tracking, it will only monitor the modifications from the Ads campaigns. The Google Ads Conversion tracking will inform you about people’s interactions with your website through ads. You’ll also see the performance of your significant ads through Google ads tracking. Meanwhile, when we talk about the All conversions insinuate, it’s a varied fiction. “All conversions” can give you detailed information about your website. You can get accurate data about traffic interaction. The best thing about “all conversion” is that it will deliver you a column of visitors who’ve interacted with your business from your ads or other references. Therefore, most of you will like to choose all conversions to monitor your website more deeply. 2- Sale Tracking It is an obvious thing to trace your sales in any business. If you run an ads campaign, a query may be jerking in your mind. Which conversion tool will be best for sales tracking? So, here’s the explanation. Google Ads conversion tracking is the best tool for tracking your sales. Google Ads will notify you about every sale customers make through your ads. You’ll be able to see whether the ad campaigns are bringing more traffic to your website or not. Therefore, in this case, Google Ads Conversion will be more than enough for you. In contrast, All conversions can also measure sales, but it’s up to you what tool you’ll choose for your convenience. 3- Leads Tracking Besides sales tracking, lead tracking is a crucial step in successfully running your website. Now here comes a familiar question again. Which tool is best for lead tracking? Let it be more precise to you. All conversions and lead tracking will be the best couple to run your business. You may not know, but All conversion tracking can trace the leads with sales. Tracking the leads through ad campaigns is mandatory to see the customer’s choices and interactions. All conversion tracking will let you know about every single movement through your ads, whether it’s about purchasing or not. Meanwhile, the Google ads tracking cannot trace any lead through advertisements on your website. The best windfall about lead tracking is that it allows you to make beneficial changes in ad campaigns according to consumers’ choices. There’s also a simple way to differentiate between Google ads conversion and all conversion tracking. You’re already aware that the conversion tools make a column of all the assembled information. Place both columns parallel to each other. You’ll see a clear difference between the output of Google Ads Conversions and All conversion tracking. GA4 is the future of measuring and understanding customers across websites and apps. It gathers data from the website and also the app to understand the customers’ journey better. GA4 includes privacy controls like cookieless measurement, behavioral modeling, and conversion modeling to provide intuitive and detailed control over what type of personal data is gathered for you and your users. Data is the key and instead of using session-based data, GA4 utilizes event-based data. GA4 is quite minimalistic and clear. It offers many features and data filters are one of them. This article is all about data filters and how these filters can be helpful to know your customers well. Data Filters in Google Analytics 4 Through a setting called Data Filters, GA4 allows you to include or exclude specific event data. These data filters have no impact on the historical data. The moment you apply the data filter, the impact is permanent on the data which you can’t reverse. In case, you like to hide data from specific reports without filtering the data out permanently, you can use report filters. As can

Server-Side Tag Manager

You Need Server-Side Tag Manager to Take Privacy Seriously

You Need Server-Side Tag Manager to Take Privacy Seriously With the development of the server-side tag manager by Google, there were different kinds of responses. Some were thrilled by it while others thought, why is this necessary? Why do we need to use this, and is this good for our businesses? In a world of technological advancement and e-commerce, every business (site) wants to know how users interact with them as they are potential customers. They want to collect as much data as possible to understand the behavior of people interacting with their site. Those of you who are from non-technical backgrounds might have been questioning the idea because it’s tough to grasp. We can assure you this Google tag manager server-side is very useful when it comes to data collection and puts us in control of that data, which protects the user’s privacy. There are two ways of data collection methods that all the websites use. The first is client-side tagging, while the other is server-side Google Tag Manager, for which we are thankful to Google. Default GTM and Google Analytics Settings When a user performs an activity on a browser such as requesting information or visiting a website by entering the site’s URL, this gives the command to Google tag manager, which in turn invokes Google analytics and then analytic processes your data shows you the result. So, each time you request something on your browser, your information is exposed to external parties, including IP address, user’s ID, etc. While the process is easy and simple, it has some flaws of its own. To view a simple page or website, your information other than what the tags should collect, collects other information. Tags are snippets of code in the form of JavaScript that embeds in the form of HTML in the source code of the website. They collect information like how many times we have visited the website, how long we stay on it, scrolling speed, etc. In server-side tracking, when we open a website by entering the web address on the browser, what happens in the background is that the browser connects to a server on the internet. And we receive information back in the form of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which make up the website. Tags, which have tracking codes in the URL, collect the information like time and date and send it back to the mother server like Google Analytics and Facebook Ads, etc. Read also : Want to learn more About Conversion Tracking? Ever wonder how you get the most ads related to your taste? That’s how it proceeded. However, with this much data and no control over it, some exploit it to make some money. Tracking codes collect information other than what they are instructed, like a digital fingerprint, the page you are on, information about the device, screen size, etc., which isn’t necessary. Most source codes are user-friendly, while others are pretty aggressive, such as they collect first-party cookie info and other shady information for cross-site tracking. Nonetheless, a mother server like Google Analytics tells us that they will not use personal data in the request if you say so. How about we don’t let them get that information in the first place? That’s where the server-side Google tag manager plays its role. Server-Side GTM ( Google Tag Manager) and Google Analytics Implementation The most important factor of a Server-side tag manager is having your own personal collection point for the data. We build our tracking server, which collects the client’s data or the internet server. This data is then handed on to third parties like Google Analytics, Facebook ads, etc. The phenomenon of working is that you send data to your own server. Once it arrives there, you can do whatever you want with it. You can change it around, manipulate it without interfering with the source code, or you could just ignore it. You can ensure the data stripping of any personal information before sending it. The thing is you must acquire more control over the data before you send it to the tracking vendors. Small-sized businesses can benefit a lot from server-side GTM as it enables them to add or change data without the need for any professional developer. In the case of a conglomerate, it can easily manage a larger sample of data, which improves your site speed. Instead of universal analytics, the information is processed from your server-side endpoint when you request information from the browser. It would be great if you change the configuration from the GA4 (Google Analytic 4 configuration) so that you send all analytics hits to your own server-side. In short, have your collection endpoint for the data. Related: How Google Analytics Helps Web Developers in UI/UX Design Alter the Information You Share with Google Analytics It is an essential part of using a server-side tag manager. You have got the information from the users in your collection point but still, need to send it to Google Analytics for processing and visible within your reports. Before sending, you can use tags to hide or change all the information you want, like concealing the user’s IP address or hiding the ID. From a privacy point of view, it’s imperative. Note that this all happens before the data reaches the analytics server. Ownership of Your Collection Endpoint While making your server-side Google tag manager account, you got options: Automatic arrangement of your tagging server and display on Google cloud server Manual arrangement of your tagging server somewhere else. Choosing automatic provision is still a better option than client-side tag manager because you own the data collection legally, and google cannot use it for other purposes. We are also Offering  GA4 Consulting Services for Business Owners of these Areas: Google Analytics Consultant Michigan Google Analytics Consultant London Google Analytics Consultant Ireland Google Analytics Consultant Brisbane Google Analytics Consulting Auckland Final Verdict To conclude all of the above, server-side Google tag managers are better because they

How to Use Google Analytics for Marketing

How to Use Google Analytics for Marketing

How to Use Google Analytics for Marketing Understanding your buyer’s persona is a crucial factor for lucrative marketing. Knowing your audience’s interests and behavior can help marketers to reach out to potential customers. In this regard, Google Analytics is a free yet powerful tool that provides all the essential data to strengthen your marketing approach. Well, you might be daunted to analyze data in analytics because there is so much stuff to explore than just relying on page views and sessions. This article will guide you to formulate a thriving Google Analytics marketing strategy. Let’s delve into it deeply. Related: How Google Analytics Helps Web Developers in UI/UX Design 4 Vital Sections for Digital Marketing Analytics Whether you’re running a blog, e-commerce store, or any other web business, Google Analytics can assist you in getting valuable data insights to fill up the gaps lagging you behind success. 1. Audience In GA’s dashboard, you can examine all the nitty-gritty details about your visitors from the audience section. For example, your prospects’ demographics, location, interests, devices. You can map out an effective advertising plan by drilling it down. 2. Acquisition In the acquisition section, you can inspect the sources through which users land on your site. That may be your Google ads, campaigns, search console, or any other social platforms. You can also track different types of traffic, direct, referrals, organic, or social. 3. Behavior From the behavior segment, you can get insights into how visitors interact with your web. You can also monitor the pages popular among visitors and the time they spend on specific pages. 4. Conversion The conversion tracking is helpful to nail down your website’s overall performance. Like the funnel visualization, it can allow you to access where most of the traffic leaves the site and at what points you are getting more conversions. Related: How to Create and Setup Goals in Google Analytics Analyze Digital Marketing Dimension and Metrics with Google Analytics Here are a few worth digging dimensions and metrics in analytics that will aid you to tailor ads campaigns and content maps. 1. Explore “All Traffic Channels” You can scrutinize the mediums driving massive traffic to grow your business. In this wise, you can make the most out of your investment of time and money by targeting high coveting channels. Therefore, your ROI will be increased. So, all you need is to go to the Acquisition >> All traffic >> Channels. For deeper data analysis, you can click any of the sources to get more information. 2. Target Potential Customers You can also unlock those areas across the globe or even in your country from where you are receiving excellent responses. Hence, you can offer your products and services to your potential market. On the Google Analytics home page, you can explore Audience >> Demographics >> Geo >> Cross-device. For instance, if your website audience is majorly females that visit your content, product, or service. In this case, you should design and configure web pages according to their psychology to retain them. 3. Identify Bounce Rate and Conversions Monitoring bounce rate and conversions are necessary for you as far as sales and leads are concerned. You must have an idea of which pages are performing well and factors that bottlenecked other pages’ progress. For that, go to Behavior section >> site content >> All pages, you will find the high bounce rate reports of pages. While Landing Page dimension depicts the picture of low converting pages. So, by critical auditing, you can fix the areas by the A/B testing process. 4. Improve Page Load Time Studies show that users will abandon the site if it takes longer than three seconds to load. So, you should optimize all of your website pages for a better user experience. But before that, you should examine the site performance thoroughly. Thankfully, Google Analytics allows you to detect your page load time by default. So, you can visit the Behavior >> Site Speed >> Page timing reports. 5. Using Google Analytics to Track Social Media So, for tracking your social media platforms in data analytics, you must have the connectivity of the GA to social media. That will help you to recognize the user’s response to your content and their social platforms preference. Moreover, you can audit social mediums traffic, ROI of social campaigns, and UTM parameter tracking. By using this data, you can optimize your campaigns for generating more leads. Move over to Acquisitions >> Social and Campaigns>> All campaigns for analyzing the reports. 6. Set Up Content Grouping and Content Position You can create your site groups by author, category, or word count using digital marketing analytics. That will guide you to scan which pages are getting more engagements. Moreover, you can investigate the content in which users are interested even more. Related: Want to learn more About Conversion Tracking? After properly checking it out, you will make smart-marketing decisions for the tone, type, place of your website content. Head over to Behavior >> Site content >> All pages for content analysis. 7. Track the Goals From the Conversion section, you can inspect the accomplishments of the goals that are directly associated with your digital growth. Goals are the practical actions (conversion) that you set for your marketing success. Go to Conversion >> Goals >> Overview for understanding how you are performing in the market. Your goal exploration will lead you to the effectiveness of Google Analytics’ marketing strategy. The Takeaway In essence, your marketing scheme has the most significant impact on your business success. And Google Analytics assists you to track all the information in a single place precisely for generating handsome revenue. Are you looking for conversion tracking help, get in touch with Involvz team today! Read Our Latest Posts: What To Look For In A Google Analytics Agency? How to set up Shopify GA conversion tracking? How to Data Filters In Google Analytics 4

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